Our Performance Appraisal approach is aimed at accelerating individual growth and driving business impact. We call it Performance for Growth (P4G). Our approach is designed to empower our employees to drive their own development, and allow our leaders to focus on real time performance and agree on priorities during quarterly check-ins.
P4G includes agile goal setting, frequent check ins, and feedback loops. Agile goal setting is at the heart of our performance management system. We set regular, measurable goals that are ruthlessly prioritized and reviewed frequently, enabling our employees to stay on track and make progress towards our company’s strategic directions and their own development plans.
We encourage on-going dialogue between leaders and employees, making it easier for leaders to provide feedback and support when needed. It also enables a better understanding of each employee’s professional development needs and what motivates them, leading to higher engagement and motivation. Monthly check-ins are informal, forward-looking coaching conversations between employee and manager, giving regular opportunities to course-correct and get the support needed. Quarterly check-ins are more formal documented conversations to discuss achievements, course correct and agree on prioritized goals that drive impact for the next quarter.
To ensure all of our employees are getting the most out of the performance management process, we instilled a broad range of feedback loops. This includes peer-to-peer feedback, upward feedback, project and Agile teams’ feedback as well as feedback from our customers. Our feedback loops are designed to enable informal on the spot feedback as well as to request more structured feedback based on our values and leadership behaviors. It’s 24/7 available as a mobile application.
Team-based performance management enables our DTPS teams to work in an Agile way. The approach is structured around Program Increments cycles (PI) that consist of 6 Sprints (2 weeks each). Self-Managing and Self Organizing Agile Teams are getting together with business representatives and Vendors to co-plan, prioritize the deliverables and agree on the work to be done during the period. The frequency of monitoring performance is done as per Sprint (every 2 weeks), per month, and finally accumulating the results as per PI (period of 3 months) and includes different levels (epics, features, user stories per team). At the end of each PI, the teams perform retrospectives (after action reviews). The outcome of the team performance metrics is shown in the employee self-performance review, along with any individual specific contributions to assess the Quarterly Performance.
At Coca-Cola Hellenic, we believe that by taking the time to understand each employee’s needs and providing ongoing feedback, we can ensure our employees are reaching their full potential and drive growth.